• Love

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  • Grow

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  • Serve

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  • Go

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Love God. Love others. Sunday Worship at Life is where we gather to express this upward and outward love.


We grow in Small Groups. Relational and spiritual growth occurs as we connect with others and protect the confidences shared in Small Groups.


Life provides a clear path to involvement. Free Personality and Spiritual gift assessments reveal the gifts God has given to each person. We then help you connect with the Life Impact Team.


Life Ministries is building a volunteer culture where you can get involved in serving our community and our world in many different ways.


Age appropriate classes meet throughout the building. Each class is led by volunteers who must pass a background check. We have at least two teachers in every class to insure the safety and security of your children. 


Every Church has small groups. Life Ministries is building a culture of small groups in which the interests and passions of those who join are explored. Each Small Group lasts from 6 to 12 weeks. Various topics and areas of interests are presented throughout the year.


The Youth Team is committed to preparing teens for the adult world. While having fun, the youth are nurtured toward the near future of making adult decisions.


Thursdays are casual evenings with a meeting in the fellowship area. Relevant topics of life are presented in a relational and discussion oriented environment.